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high-definition image中文是什么意思

用"high-definition image"造句"high-definition image"怎么读"high-definition image" in a sentence


  • 高度清晰像
  • 高清晰度图像
  • 高清晰度图象


  • Digital technology makes that easier , since it allows the transmission and display of live , high - definition images
  • The product is composed of distortion free camera , high - definition image capture card , image identification software and pc
  • With high stability , this monitor can provide high - definition image . it has high quality image , which is the special - purpose monitor of xtv
  • Liquid crystal projection technology is one of the important technology which can provide us large size and high - definition image . digital projection technology is coming to be a new subject
  • With the development of high - definition tv ( hdtv ) technology , it is expected that large size and high - definition image should be provided . traditional crt technology can hardly do it
    随着高清晰度数字电视( hdtv )技术的发展,人们对大屏幕图像显示的清晰度要求越来越高,这种要求是传统的crt显示技术难以达到的。
  • Tokyo - electronics giant sony and another japanese company have developed a " paper disc " that can record more than two hours of high - definition images and be destroyed with scissors for foolproof data security , officials said
    中文大意电子业巨头索尼和日本toppan印刷公司联合研发了一种“纸制dvd光盘” ,可以录制长达两个多小时的高清晰度图像,并可以用剪子轻易销毁,因而更能保证数据的安全。
用"high-definition image"造句  
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